Just as the name suggests, a speech language pathologist deals with children who struggle to improve their communication skills, ranging from both verbal to non-verbal. A speech and language disorder is a problem in which a person is not able to properly form or create words and sentences in order to establish a proper and simple conversation. If your child is also facing issues like these, then it is important to consult and book a treatment session with a pediatric speech language pathologist (SLP) who would provide the best therapy and treatments to your child.
Speech or sound are the two most key components through which people learn to communicate with each other and share their thoughts and feelings, while children with speech and language disorders often struggle, leading to them feeling bad.
This speech and language disorder affects their ability to learn words or hold a conversation with others fluently. Now that we have understood what a speech and language disorder is then let’s take a look at its causes and symptoms:

Causes of Speech-Language Disorder
- Genetic abnormalities
- Emotional stress
- Any trauma to the brain or an injury
The most common symptoms that a pediatric speech language pathologist sees in children are as follows:
- Repeating words or prolonged sounds
- Struggling to say the correct word or sound
- Speaking with a hoarse or raspy voice
- Speaking very softly
They also specialise in treating these three main areas of the speech-language disorder that are speech, repetion and expressive language/gestures.
Why Should You Consider Going To A Pediatric Speech Pathologist?
A pediatric speech pathologist offers various treatments to help your child learn how to communicate properly, build their vocabulary, and improve their speech patterns.
At Street Simple Therapy, Our experienced and professional team of speech pathologists provides the best solution to improve and help your child’s speech problem with individualised and detailed sessions and get to know about them deeply from the parents/guardians of the children.
The reasons why you should consult our pediatric speech pathologist to help in the treatment of your child is because of the following reasons:
- Clearer speech: A speech pathologist is needed when your child cannot pronounce vowels correctly, is unable to speak, and gets confused between easy words like bath and ball.
- These trained pathologists help your child pronounce the sounds clearly and speak in a way that others can understand.
- Improved listening skills: By helping to expand the child’s vocabulary, they help them to understand simple questions, directions and commands.
- This gives a chance to your child to understand what the others are saying to them and understand what your child is saying as well in response to their question.
- Better expression and understanding: The more a child’s vocabulary grows, the more his ability to understand and express himself grows.
- This helps them to talk about their feelings and thoughts with the pathologist, their parents and the people around them.
Who All Benefit From The Pediatric Therapy Services And Its Benefits
Pediatric therapy services benefit children who are unable to make or pronounce speech sounds properly or have difficulties swallowing and eating, helping to provide the best quality treatments for them.
Speech-language pediatric therapy services aim to help children who suffer from problems such as rhythm and fluency, stammering and stuttering, producing or pronouncing certain sounds or syllables, Articulation disorders, and oral motor problems that cause difficulty swallowing and eating.
Now let’s understand how the pediatric therapy services provide benefits for these conditions and problems:
- The therapy helps in increasing the confidence and self-esteem of the children once they start making sense of the words and understanding communication
- It helps to improve their vocal quality and helps them to speak more clearly and loudly.
- Enabling them to muster up the courage to talk to others so that they can gain more exposure and understand what they are saying and how different everyone’s tone is
Plays an important role in improving their communication skills so that they can express their feelings and thoughts effectively without shying away from people.